Division of Information Technology

My Accounts

When you become part of the SA¹ú¼Ê´«Ã½ Peter’s Community, you are assigned a user account and password. Your user account will probably be the first initial of your first name plus your last name (e.g. jsmith). If there is someone with that user name, you will be assigned a number following (e.g. jsmith2). Your password will be SPu (case sensitive) followed by the last 4 digits of your SS#.

Your email address is your username followed by @saintpeters.edu (e.g. JSmith@saintpeters.edu). For students, it would be your username followed by @mail.saintpeters.edu (e.g. jsmith@mail.saintpeters.edu).

This combination of user name and password will get you into the following systems:

  • Network & the University’s new Wi-Fi network
  • SPIRIT Online
  • Peacock Mail
  • Intranet (faculty and staff only)
  • Blackboard (faculty and students only)


Before you are able to log into your Peacock Mail account, you will have to reset your password. To do this

1. Go to Reset Password and follow the instructions.


Your password must consist of

  • Between 8 and 14 characters,
  • Include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (e.g., blUebell36?)
  • Must not include your name.

CHANGING PASSWORDS and password resets

You must change your password at least once every six months. When you change your password it must have at least three characters different from any password you have used in the past year.
You can change your password at
If you need assistance with these instructions, please email the Service Desk at servicedesk@saintpeters.edu
Click on the following links to access your accounts: