Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies

Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

–Matthew 25:35-36

SA国际传媒 Peter鈥檚 University, inspired by its Catholic identity, educates a diverse community of learners to excel intellectually, lead ethically, serve compassionately and promote justice in our ever-changing urban and global environment. With formal designation from the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education and inspired by the University鈥檚 Jesuit mission, the SA国际传媒 Peter鈥檚 University Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies employs a three-pronged approach to engage students and members of the community in 1) education; 2) research; and 3) service. Through these approaches we hope to empower our students and community to raise awareness about genocide, to remember its victims and to promote tolerance based on the Jesuit calling to be 鈥渕en and women for others.鈥



The SA国际传媒 Peter鈥檚 University Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies seeks to educate our students and community about the history of the Holocaust and other genocides. This commitment stands on the principle that understanding the dynamics of genocide can best be accomplished by learning from past experience. At the same time, the Center strives to highlight contemporary developments that foster discrimination, intolerance and violence, so that we can aid targeted groups and take the necessary steps to prevent future genocides.