Counseling & Psychological Services Virtual Reality Services

CAPS now offers VR services for SPU students.  The services include therapeutic interventions known as exposure therapy, and student guided immersive relaxation and mindfulness experiences.

Therapeutic Interventions (counselor guided) involve Exposure Therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) created to help confront and reduce people’s reactions to fears and difficult situations. It is considered an evidence-based treatment for phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders. 

The goal of exposure therapy is to address, process, and eventually confront these fears by slowly increasing their ability to cope with anxiety provoking situations/experiences. 

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) is a technology-enabled treatment approach to exposure that integrates computer graphics through headset and body-tracking devices. The technology utilized creates artificial environments that mirror real life situations, allowing for an immersive and interactive experience in a virtual world that equips individuals with the practice and tools needed to thrive in reality. After desensitization to a virtual environment, the individual may feel more equipped to take the next step and engage in real life (i.e., in vivo) exposure to the feared object or situation.ÌýÌý

Immersive Relaxation (student guided) is made available to students to enjoy and learn relaxation, mindfulness, and meditation techniques on their own.  Students can access 2 VR environments through the Amelia app. For additional environments contact CAPS (one time) to be set up for open access.ÌýÌý

What you will need

  • Smartphone device, full battery, and internet access (Android 7 or IOS 10 or above)
  • VR headset (for 3D viewing)
  • Quiet, comfortable place with no distractions
  • Headphones for a fully immersive experience.
  • Amelia app, free from Google Play or App Store 

Amelia VR QR Code

You DO NOT have to be a client of CAPS to take advantage of the student-guided VR environments.

Don’t have a VR headset?  Don’t worry,  CAPS has provided the O’Toole library with VR headsets that students can sign out and enjoy while in the NEW O’Toole Wellness Studio.ÌýÌý

Safety Considerations  While research has shown that VRET can be effective for anxiety symptoms, people can experience some side effects while using the 3D videos.  Some side effects include slight dizziness, blurred vision, eye strain, headaches, or other visual effects; similar to watching a 3D movie. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop the use of the equipment, rest and watch in shorter intervals.  Please use caution if you have motion sickness, dizziness, or seizure disorder.  While using the student-guided environments follow these tips:

  1. Start with shorter VR exercises, 10-15 min, and have rest periods between each exercise. 
  2. Avoid sudden head movements. 
  3. Amelia’s environments are designed to be experienced while sitting.  It is important to not move around while wearing the goggles to avoid accidents.

For more information on the VRET available contact CAPS at

For more information about the Amelia app and virtual reality and